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© Jittrapon Kaicome for WWF Thailand

The Food System and Sustainable Lifestyles: Youth Education Content


The Food System and Sustainable Lifestyles: Youth Education Content is supplemental education content for cultivating youth’s mindset on sustainable food consumption.  The report is delivered under the project titled, “IKI SCP Phase II Project on Establishing Sustainable Consumption and Production” implemented by World Wide Fund for Nature – Thailand office, with support from International Climate Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.  The goal of the project is to increase urban consumers' knowledge and awareness on the linkage between consumption choices and environmental impacts, which triggers action towards sustainable consumption patterns that are less damaging to the environment.  Youths and active citizens were chosen as representatives of urban consumers—and secondary school students were chosen as representatives of youths due to their maturity, aptitude, willingness, and their potential in being the changemakers to compel their family’s and friends’ behaviors toward sustainable lifestyles. 

The production team recognizes the challenges in delivering comprehensive sustainability education and especially on sustainable lifestyles in youth education under the Basic Education Core Curriculum set by the Thai Ministry of Education, and therefore set out to develop youth’s education content in supplement to the core curriculum.  The objective of this report is to use desk review to identify and compile secondary data and readily existing knowledge and tools suited for education on the food system and sustainable lifestyles.  Therefore, the references in this report are presented in an easy to understand format for the ease of data utilization.  Inspired by various international textbooks, the author prioritized active learning as a fundamental method in delivering the knowledge, changing mindsets, to transform lifestyle behaviors.  This report is also communicated in an easy to digest format and language making it suitable for youth education.   

Through collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, this report can be used as a textbook or guideline to educate Grade 10 – 12 students as part of the Science and Geography classes.  The content in this report can be instructed to multiple grades in school assembly, or separate the content according to the subjects’ structure.  Chapter 1 is general introduction.  Chapter 2 and 3 are based upon the Science subject’s framework.  Chapter 4 and 5 are based upon the Geography subject’s framework.  This report is presented in two languages: English and Thai, to ensure application suitability and increase adoption rate from participation of both Thai and international schools.