These procedures implement the WWF Network Project Complaints Resolution Process. 
The WWF Complaints Resolution Process is overseen by the office of the Director General of WWF International.  Concerns and complaints go to the Manager Governance and Compliance who serves as WWF International Project Complaints Officer.

The Project Complaints Officer determines - within [10] business days - whether or not the complaint falls under the scope of the complaints mechanism (with advice from policy focal points and legal counsel as needed).

If not eligible, the Project Complaints Officer informs the complainant, stating the reasons.
If eligible, the Project Complaints Officer notifies: 
        1). The complainant – to acknowledge receipt and confirm that the complaint is eligible
        2). The concerned WWF office or program – to provide a response
        3). Relevant policy Focal Point – to advise on and review a response
        4). The Director General, WWF International – for information

The concerned office or program provides a response to the Project Complaints Officer, with the proposed investigation plan and a timeframe for this process, including a contact person, within [10] business days.  Support for this process can be requested from policy focal points and other technical experts as needed.

The Project Complaints Officer in coordination with the concerned office/programme and the Director General’s office will agree the investigation plan, including identifying a person or committee to investigate the complaint (the “Investigator”) through review of the issues raised, meetings/dialogue with concerned parties, consultation with relevant technical advisors, and other actions as appropriate.  

The concerned office/programme communicates next steps to the Affected Party.
The Investigator will provide the Project Complaints Officer and concerned office/programme with a response and outline of recommended actions needed to resolve the issues, along with a timeframe for them.

If unresolved issues remain, or if problems arise with implementation of the agreed resolution, the Project Complaints Officer identifies appropriate (internal or external) support to further clarify and assess issues and work with the concerned parties to develop an agreement on how to resolve them.  This process may involve field visits, joint fact-finding, third-party investigation and recommendation, external Ombudsperson, direct dialogue and negotiation, broader stakeholder dialogues and other actions as needed.

The concerned office or programme, in coordination with the Investigator and Project Complaints Officer will develop a summary of the concerns raised, actions taken, conclusions reached and recommendations, follow up plan and timeframe for completion. 

The Director General’s office, in coordination with the Project Complaints Officer, determines whether the investigation is completed to WWF’s satisfaction.

The Project Complaints Officer communicates the summary to the Affected Party.
Monitoring. Action plans should establish timeframes for regular progress monitoring. The Project Complaints Officer will coordinate this monitoring by organizing periodic checks (bringing together the concerned parties and relevant technical advisor(s) for calls, meetings or other communication) on the implementation status of action plans, until they are completed.

Communication.  For each complaint received, a summary of the complaint, actions taken, conclusions reached, follow up plan and timeframe for completion will be documented and communicated as agreed between the parties. As a general guideline it is recommended that country-level complaints and actions to resolve them are posted on the country office website, but this may vary depending on the circumstances. Summaries should be updated periodically as follow-up actions are implemented.  All public communications should be reviewed by the Director General’s  Office and Communications prior to distribution.

Documentation and Reporting.  The Project Complaints Officer will maintain a log of all complaints received, their eligibility status, responses provided, resolution and monitoring or follow up actions.  This log will be provided to the Director General’s office periodically. Reporting will also include an annual assessment of the effectiveness of the Complaints Resolution Policy and process, including any recommendations for adjustments.

Dissemination of the Policy.  The Project Complaints Resolution Policy should be provided to stakeholders during consultations in the design phase of projects or other appropriate interactions. The policy will also be available on WWF’s public website.

Non-retaliation. WWF strongly disapproves of and will not tolerate any form of retaliation against those who report concerns in good faith.  Any WWF employee who engages in such retaliation will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.  WWF will take all feasible actions to protect reporters against retaliation. Anyone who has made a report of suspicious conduct of a WWF employee and who subsequently believes he or she has been subjected to retaliation of any kind by should immediately report it by the same channels as noted herein.

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