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Fresh water

Wetlands are ecosystems of great significance; economically, socially and ecologically. Currently, wetlands comprise approximately 36,616.16square kilometers or 7.5% of Thailand's area. Presently, these lands are being threatened from encroachment and various forms of development.


Wetland ecosystems play an significant role in ecosystem health, as they can act as a source of water, a reservoir, a boundary blocking saltwater intrusion, guard against degradation of shorelines, and aid in prevention of sedimentation, and leaching of minerals and other toxins.

Wetlands also support diverse populations of wildlife, both aquatic and terrestrial. They provide habitat for migratory birds and act as breeding and spawning areas for hundreds of species of fish as well as rare marine mammals such as dugongs, manatees and freshwater dolphins. Particularly in South East Asia, wetlands directly support a majority of the rural population, with freshwater resources providing income for many and contributing a valuable source of protein to their diets.


Thailand currently has 15 sites designated as Wetlands of International Importance or Ramsar Sites, with a surface area of 399,714 hectares.

© Camila Diaz/WWF

WWF is working in partnership with local communities, private sectors and local government authorities to promote sustainable use of natural resources and enhance sustainable livelihood. Our approach combines baseline research, stakeholder engagement, scenario development and co-management of natural resources.



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World's water filters

Wetlands are the world’s water filters. They trap pollutants such as phosphorus and heavy metals in their soils, transform dissolved nitrogen into nitrogen gas, and break down suspended solids to neutralize harmful bacteria.

© © Nicolas Axelrod / Ruom / WWF-Greater Mekong