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The Lao-Thai Fisheries Co-management Project
© © Nicolas Axelrod / Ruom / WWF-Greater Mekong

The Mekong River is an important source of fish which supports the world’s largest freshwater fishery especially for four countries: Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. About 2.6 million tons of fish are caught each year

The Mekong River is the twelfth longest river in the world and supports the world’s largest freshwater fishery – where tens of millions of people are living. However, the Mekong is now heavily affected by economic and social development, especially hydroelectric dams, water withdrawal for irrigation and sand mining. These developments are challenging the ecosystems of the Mekong and causing fish stocks to decline.
The Lao-Thai Fisheries Co-management Project, a collaboration between Thailand and Lao PDR, aims to increase the fish population and improve community wellbeing in the middle level of the Mekong River. This three- year project is taking place in 19 villages in Lao and 15 villages in Thailand.