WWF’s mission is to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and
to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. As the 2014, Living
Planet Report demonstrates, the challenges that the global environment is facing
today are too big, too interconnected and too urgent for any one organization to solve
alone. Recognizing the scale and complexity of the challenges, we have chosen to
engage in collaborative and collective action with businesses, investors, consumers,
governments and other civil society organizations to drive positive change.

This report presents an overview of the largest global partnerships that WWF has
with individual companies, measured in financial terms.


WWF seeks to work with those who have the greatest potential to reduce the most
pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth and together find solutions to
conservation challenges such as deforestation, over-fishing, water scarcity and
climate change. Business drives much of the global economy, so we consider that
companies also have a specific responsibility to ensure that the natural resources
and ecosystems that underpin their business are used sustainably. Business is also
primed to lead on rapid adaptation and on the innovative solutions needed to
drive change.
By working with business, WWF aims to change behaviour and drive conservation
results that would not be possible otherwise.
More specifically, our work with business aspires to do this by:
  • promoting better production and responsible sourcing of raw materials that otherwise drive deforestation or unsustainable use of water;
  • encouraging a switch to 100 per cent renewable energy and away from fossil fuels;
  • engaging jointly on public policy;
  • supporting the equitable sharing of natural resources;
  • redirecting financial flows to support conservation and sustainable ecosystem management;
  • raising awareness of the need to consume more wisely; and
  • protecting some of the world’s most ecologically important places.
We do this in a variety of ways, including supporting regulations that stop illegal or
unsustainable activities, encouraging companies and industry platforms to make
ambitious commitments and to engage in public policy discussions, and supporting
credible certification schemes (e.g. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Marine
Stewardship Council (MSC), Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC). We also
publish scorecards and reports on company or sector performance, mobilize public
pressure through high-profile campaigns on issues related to business activities, as
well as work in partnership with individual companies.

This report focuses on the partnerships between WWF-Thailand and
individual companies.

Most of WWF’s engagement with business is focused on the key themes of commodities, climate and freshwater.
We work with key companies in priority commodity supply chains to reduce
the impact of commodity production and drive demand for more sustainable
commodities. Our Market Transformation Initiative focuses on the largest
companies that buy and produce agricultural commodities, such as palm oil or
cotton, that drive deforestation or unsustainable water use; on fish, both wild
caught, such as whitefish and tuna, and farmed such as salmon and shrimp; and
on forest products such as timber and paper.
On climate change and energy management, the activities of our Global Climate
and Energy Initiative with business focus on adopting reduction targets for
emissions, encouraging a switch to 100 per cent renewable energy and on best
practices in corporate climate leadership. Our overall objective is to facilitate a
transition to a low carbon future in line with a below 1.5°C decarbonisation pathway.
WWF’s work on Water Stewardship promotes responsible business engagement
on water issues. We define Water Stewardship for business as a commitment to the
sustainable management of shared water resources in the public interest through
collective action with other businesses, governments, NGOs and communities.
It typically starts with improvements in water use and reducing water related
impacts of internal and value chain operations, and progresses to influencing
governance of the resource.


Our cooperation with partners is based on a common understanding of issues,
shared ambitions or activities, and a willingness to speak out in public. In general,
we distinguish three types of partnerships with companies:
  1. Driving sustainable business practices;
  2. Communications and awareness raising; and
  3. Philanthropic partnerships.

Driving sustainable business practices

Our bilateral partnerships aim to deliver direct conservation results on key issues
or in priority places by changing practices throughout a company’s operations and
value chain. These intend to reduce the major environmental impacts of some of the
world’s largest companies, achieve conservation results that would not otherwise be
possible, and influence related sectors and markets

Communications and awareness raising

The second way that WWF partners with business is by raising awareness of key
environmental issues and mobilizing consumer action through communications and
campaigns (including cause-related marketing campaigns). These partnerships also
aim to highlight the beauty and uniqueness of places and species for which WWF
stands. This approach includes, for example, consumer actions to encourage the
purchase of sustainable products such as MSC-certified fish, or results in companies
supporting campaigns that inspire action in favour of special places such as the Arctic
or endangered species like the orang-utan.

Philanthropic partnerships

The third approach is articulated through specific programmes with companies to
fund conservation projects and the institutions that deliver them. Philanthropic
relationships with companies raise money for the conservation of key places and
species, and the capability and tools to deliver such conservation.

WWF partners on a philanthropic or awareness-raising level with companies that
are undertaking substantial action to improve their sustainability performance, or
that have negligible environmental impacts.

As this report shows, many partnerships with companies use a combination of these


Results and impact, both qualitative and quantitative, are essential for us. We
advocate transparency in action by all stakeholders as a crucial step toward
sustainability. We believe that accountability for results and transparency to
our supporters and our members on how we deliver those results are key to our
approach of working in a constructive, cooperative manner with all our partners,
including business.
We want all our partnerships with business to deliver the greatest impact possible,
with the goal of creating lasting results at scale. We have therefore started a process
of deeper and more systematic assessment of the targets and the outcomes we
achieve in our work with the business sector and specifically through our
bilateral partnerships.
All WWF offices are committed to continue or start reporting publicly on all our
company relationships, their intent, objectives and impacts, of which this report is
one part.


The aim of this report is to give an overview of the partnerships that WWF-Thailand
has with individual companies. Funds obtained through corporate partnerships are
typically used by WWF to:
  • Work with the company to reduce its impacts and footprint and to help shift sectors and markets toward sustainability in line with WWF’s global conservation strategy;
  • Raise public awareness of key conservation challenges;
  • Directly support WWF conservation projects.
WWF-Thailand is responsible for the (contractual) agreement(s) with the companies
concerned. The activities of the engagements in many cases take place in other
countries or regions.
In 2013, the total income from business represented 13 per cent of the total WWF
network income.


The following list of companies is an overview of all the corporate partnerships that
WWF-Thailand has with an annual budget of greater than EUR25,000. Details of
each partnership can be found below:
  • Coca-cola Foundation
  • Nokia Thailand


Conserving the world’s freshwater resources

Since 2007, The Coca-Cola Foundation and WWF began an ongoing strategic global partnership to address the issue of safe drinking water, which is an essential resource, yet more than 1 billion people do not have adequate access to it. Furthermore, the degradation of freshwater habitats threatens wildlife, plants and the ecosystems that people and nature depend on for survival. The goal: to make a transformational impact and truly help benefit the planet – and the partnership is currently slated to continue at least until 2020. 

In Thailand, the partnership has made significant accomplishments. WWF-Thailand has been funded y The Coca-Cola Foundation to create a water stewardship program and conserve biodiversity in forests and wetlands in the Chi River and Songkram River Basins, which are connected to the Mekong. The partnership has achieved this by involving local people and stakeholders to protect the freshwater basin, while providing livelihood opportunities to upstream communities. 

The work resulting from the partnership has already led to incremental policy changes in Thailand at the provincial and river basin level, such as improving water resource management, with the goal of replenishing 660,000 KL of water recharge per year into the groundwater.


Mitigating the effects of global warming WWF and Nokia have had a global partnership in place since 2003. The cooperation initially started with raising environmental awareness of Nokia employees and has evolved over the years to diverse areas including jointly developed projects for using mobile technology in conservation work, as well as publishing WWF branded mobile content to raise environmental awareness to the consumer.
In an effort to mitigate the effects of global warming, WWF-Thailand has also partnered with Nokia to launch a mangrove planting campaign in Khao Sam Roi Yot National Park, located on the shores of the Gulf of Thailand in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. By working
with local authorities, businesses, and communities, Nokia and WWF-Thailand are encouraging the implementation of new practices and policies that will help protect rivers by tackling erosion, reducing pollution, as well as improving energy efficiency and wastewater treatment and distribution systems.

© WWF Thailand

WWF works with companies to achieve our conservation goals. NGO and company partnerships involve engaging in constructive dialogue while challenging each other with real issues. As such, they involve opportunities and risks for both parties.

At WWF, we manage the risks by having clear guidelines and criteria in place, including a due diligence process. In all relationships, we maintain and exercise the right to public commentary.



Type of partnership
Sustainable business practises

Conservation focus of partnership

Y2014 budget range (EUR)
20,000 - 30,000


Consumer Electronics

Type of partnership
Sustainable business practises

Conservation focus of partnership
Reducing human footprint

FY2014 budget range (EUR)
30,000 – 40,000

The following list represents all corporate partnerships that WWF-Thailand has with an annual budget up to EUR25,000.

  • The Body Shop
  • Stone & Style
  • Bgrimm
  • ThaiBev
  • Sea Wealth
