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© Baramee Temboonkiat

The Sustainable Consumption and Production Project

The Sustainable Consumption and Production is a project funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) as part of their International Climate Initiative (IKI) to establish low carbon consumption and production.


What We Do

Given that the agricultural sector, production and consumption of food is among the major contributors to global warming and impacts on the ecosystem, therefore it can potentially mitigate GHG emissions through the promotion and integration of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) principle into the government policies, business and consumer practices. Consumer preference and demands have direct influence on business and government decision, leading to more sustainable products innovations and policies.

The project goal is to ensure that the SCP principles will be integrated and embedded in policies or strategies of the government and business sector, and consumer behavior in order to achieve GHG emission reductions and increasing sustainable development in the agricultural and forestry sectors.

Our project’s reinvestment in the agricultural and forestry sector alongside national governments and relevant key stakeholders will take the lead in forging a green path towards the prioritization and governance of a healthy ecosystem.


Phase I

Originally a 3 year project, Phase I of the SCP project ran from 2018 - 2021. Through an ambitious regional response to climate change under WWF Germany, the project aimed to support the project partner countries’ (Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines: SCP-TIP) implementation and integration of SCP principles in politics, private businesses and civil society as a means for living up to their national climate strategies.

Aligned with the United Nations’ 10-year framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns (10YFP), the project provided tailored assistance to varying country-specific thematic priorities in the three piloted countries. Activities in Thailand focused on the agricultural and forestry sector in spurring mitigation strategies, with specific focus on the supply chain of maize and food production. Indonesia similarly looked towards the agricultural sector, but with emphasis on palm-oil production. In the Philippines, the project emphasized on harnessing low emission strategies on the tourism sector within the food service industry.
view the end of Phase I report

Phase II

2021 saw the conclusion of Phase I of the SCP project, with Phase 2 beginning in 2022, and will run to 2026. Continuing on from the work completed in Phase I, in Phase II the project aims to reduce emissions and increase adaptation and resilience to climate change through the implementation of complementary interventions that focus on connecting sustainable production to consumption to transform elements and behaviours in the food system, the agri-food sector.
In Phase II the project seeks to transform the Thailand food system through focus on work with 5 groups.

  1. Consumers – distribution of reliable information, impactful campaigns, and interactive learning activities to foster low carbon consumption choices
  2. Businesses – guidance on adopting low-carbon SCP strategies, sourcing policies, operational practices, and innovative uptake
  3. Government entities – policy advisement based on showcased solutions and best practices, promotion of inclusive decision making involving all stakeholders  
  4. Local communities and smallholder farmers – collaborative projects to transition towards nature positive agriculture practices in selected landscapes.
  5. Women & vulnerable groups – programs to promote gender equality and inclusivity, accessing resource access disparities, and integrating gender sensitive communications efforts

View the SCP Phase II Factsheet


Project Timeline

May 2017 - Present

Project Launch, 05/07/17
The Sustainable Consumption and Production project kicks-off with a workshop that aims to bring together the implementation and establishment of SCP principles across Thailand's key stakeholders.
Sustainability Assessment Seminar, 30/07/17
The Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agriculture Seminar was held aiming to highlight problems within Thailand's food chain system across four dimensions of sustainability.
Project Consultation, 20/10/17
The first Implementation Agencies Consultation Workshop was held in facilitation of roundtable discussions and identification of opportunities for future cooperation on SCP implementation in Thailand.
Study Review, 29/11/17
A project study review was conducted alongside Thailand Environmental Institute's (TEI) research on the Maize supply chain.
Chiang Mai Farmers' Workshop, 11/17
Project organizes first collaborative capacity building workshop for smallholder farmers and local communities, which aims at promoting sustainable production practices and the implementation of SCP as a solution model in Chiang Mai. The workshops are held on a monthly basis.
Partnership Initiative, 08/02/18
Project signs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with five Thai organizations in Chiang Mai to boost sustainable farming practices in Northern Thailand.
Partnership Initiative, 20/02/18
Project signs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Nan Organic Agricultural Network (NON), Central Group and Tops Supermarket to strengthen collaboration on environmental conservation and protection of headwater streams in Nan.
Nan Farmers' Workshop, 03/18
Project organizes first collaborative capacity building workshop for smallholder farmers and local communities, which aims at promoting sustainable production practices and the implementation of SCP as a solution model in Nan. The workshops are held on a monthly basis.
SDGs Workshop, 13/03/18
Project advances priority efforts on Sustainable Development Goals to address critical role of biodiversity and need for sustainable management of agricultural ecosystems in Chiang Mai.
Identification of Policy Instruments, 29/06/18
A capacity building workshop towards the development of mitigation strategies and measures for SCP within agricultural sectors in Chiang Mai was held alongside Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) Foundation and local agricultural experts.
Launch of Eat Better campaign, 02/07/18
Project launches consumer campaign, Eat Better, as an awareness-raising initiative to ramp up social momentum towards sustainable food system through the promotion of responsible consumption for consumers.
Launch of FLR349, 27/09/18
Project launches forest restoration model in Chiang Mai, which will serve as a model for the protection and restoration of degraded headwater ecosystems.
Promotion of Policy Instruments, 25/02/19
In partnership with Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) Foundation, the project presents mitigation strategies and measures to achieve deforested-free food supply chain as recommendations to key representatives of supporting government ministries, civil society organizations, and private sectors.
FLR349 expands forest restoration area, 05/19
FLR349 further expands forest plantation area into Baan Tub sub district of Mae Chaem, with the Royal Forest Department and Baan Tub municipality also establishing a plan to reconstruct degraded forest areas near two key watershed areas in accordance to the Land Administration committee's policy of the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment. The reconstruction plan aims to gather 1,600 families across 16,000 rai of land into the funding scheme. It is expected that up to 45,000 rai of degraded forest lands will be restored.
FLR349 expands reforestation initiative, 08/19
The FLR349’s reforestation initiative commences with the plantation of cocoa plants alongside 35 farmers over an area of 100 rai (approximately 40 acres) in Baan Nongha community in Bua Yai, Na Noi district.
Second MoU Signed, 11/10/19
A second Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between and Ban Thap sub- district administrative organisations and local smallholders to commit to the FLR349 fund reforestation model, with WWF Thailand acting as a witness.
Jing Jai farmers market MoU signed- 31/01/20
FLR349 Fund join forces with the Central Group and the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives to create a market place and promote organic markets in order to build incentives in farmers to move away from forest encroaching monoculture farming towards “Three Forest, Four Benefits,” with the aim of restoring the local food system as a result.
FLR349 farmers prepares area for planting - 03/2020
The FLR349 Fund joined forces with Mae Chaem Cooperative and Kong Khaek Sub-District Administrative Organization to prepare the land for expansion of 32 additional hectares (200 rais) of 'Three Forests, Four Benefits'
FLR349 supports marginalised communities during COVID-19 pandemic fallout - 04/2020
WWF-Thailand and FLR349, along with partners like The Central Group collaborated with the Doi Inthanon Conservation Trust Fund Foundation to establish the “Food Sharing for Love” project to support farmers and marginalised communities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
FLR349 enters into partnership with Agoda - 07/2020
After a period of meaningful discussion, FLR349’s partnership with Agoda officially began in July of 2020. The global company will provide funding to help FLR349 reach our reforestation goals in Chiang Mai. The funding provided by Agoda will cover land preparation, seedlings, as well as evaluation and monitoring costs.
Agoda kicks off partnership with FLR349 - 08/2020
Agoda kicked of their partnership with WWF-Thailand to support the FLR349 project, which will plant 6000 trees in the first year, with a reforestation event at Forest Industry Organization No. 13 in Mae Chaem district, Chiang Mai province.
WWF Thailand, the Mall Group, and Tik Tok team up to join SET’s Care the Wild campaign.04/12/20
On December 4th 2020 to commemorate Thai Environmental day, WWF Thailand teamed up with the Mall Group and Tik Tok to join the Stock Exchange of Thailand’s (SET) ‘Care the Wild: Plant and Project’ campaign in order to encourage Thai people to reduce deforestation, fight climate change, and increase forest coverage in Nan province in the north of Thailand
FLR349 wins Climate Action Award - 09/03/21
At the Feedup@UN Sustainable Wellness Destination Forum, FLR349 along with project partners Agoda and the Central Group received Climate Action Award in recognition of positive environmental impact.
FLR349 begins partnership with HSBC 06/2021
FLR349 begins its partnership with HSBC in 2021 as part of the bank's Climate Solutions Partnership which will see more than 100 million dollars invested into environmental initiatives across the Asia Pacific over the next 5 years. With the support provided by the global financial services company, the project will be able to continue its important work.
RFD endorses the Project sustainable business model. 08/22
Mr. Wanchai Jariyasetthachok Deputy Director General of the Royal Forest Department (RFD) has endorsed the project's Sustainable Business Model as the way for restoring class 1,2 watersheds areas that have been degraded due to encroachment for monoculture agriculture. This endorsement by the RFD paves the way forward for a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to be signed in the future. Once signed, the agreement will further build cooperation between different stakeholders to solve issues related to the degradation of class 1,2 watersheds from chemical-intensive monoculture agriculture
Building multi-stakeholder partnership (MSP) for forest restoration and food system transformation. 09/22
The project signed a MOU with Thaicom PLC and the Royal Forest Department to form a new MSP. Through this partnership, Thaicom PLC. becomes the latest major and key partner to the project. They bring decades of experience and resources in the information technology sector, importantly satellite technologies/imaging to conduct monitoring and evaluation of the project sites


Partnerships play a key role in WWF-SCP's efforts to influence the course of our sustainability work.


Contact Us


Pisit Building Level 3,
9 Pra Dipat Soi 10, Phayathai
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Tel: +662 618-04303-05
Fax: +662 618-4306

Ply Pirom: Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) project manager: 