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© Jittrapon Kaicome for WWF Thailand

Area-Based Assessment of GHG Quantification: A Case Study of Mae Chaem District, Chiang Mai Province

May 2022

In  2019, the SCP project is in collaboration with the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) under the Ministry of Science and Technology, started a research study titled “GHG emissions mitigation – case study in slope areas (deforested areas)”, using the project sites and the solution model as a case study. This research started in 2019 and was completed  2020.  

The final GHG research results showed maize plantations have a net carbon emission of 4,211.5 kg CO2eq ha-1 yr-1 . Meaning after taking away the amount of carbon released, including carbon emitted when stubble is burnt, from the amount of carbon stored, maize plantations release 6,140.03 kg CO2eq ha-1 yr-1. The FLR349 agriculture model has a carbon balance of -4,370.19  kg CO2eq ha-1 yr-1. These results show while maize plantations in Mae Chaem District contribute to CO2 emissions and the annual haze pollution problems, the FLR349 agricultural model stores more carbon than it releases. Therefore, this innovative solution model could contribute to national GHG mitigation strategies in agriculture, as well as forest restoration targets.